
Burns Lodge No. 153 - Wyoming, Ontario - Established 1861

Meeting Info
Second Thursday at 7:30pm
Closed July and August
550 Niagara Street, Wyoming, Ontario
Burns' Secretary

Burns' Lodge No. 153
A Brief History

Burns’ Lodge was established under a Dispensation dated October 30, 1861. The lodge as instituted by the District Deputy Grand Master of London District, R.W. Bro. George Masson, on June 24, 1862, when W. Bro. George Duncan was Installed as Worshipful Master. Warrant No. 153 was issued in 1862 by the Grand Lodge of Canada.

In the absence of records, it was assumed that many of the Charter members were of Scottish descent, therefore the name Burns’, honouring the noted Bard of Scotland, Robert Burns, a Freemason and globally recognized Poet Laureate.

Being a country Lodge, members of Burns’ had to travel from quite a distance to Lodge meetings by horse (and buggy). Perhaps not so bad on a fine spring or fall evening but come winter - now that would be a different story. As a result, Burns’ Lodge No. 153 was petitioned by, and provided Charter Members for, the creation of new Lodges to be located in Camlachie and Forest. Burns’ Lodge continued to support the development of those Lodges throughout their existence.

The reputation and traditions of Burns’ Lodge No. 153 are so well-known that when Forest and Huron Lodge in Camlachie were struggling to support their Lodges due to declining membership, they returned to whence they came and reunited with Burns Lodge No. 153 via Amalgamation. Forest Lodge No. 263 amalgamated in 2001, with Huron Lodge No. 392 amalgamating with Burns' Lodge No. 153 on October 28, 2023. Both amalgamations are often described as happy marriages that have been good for all three Lodges and that attitude is expected to continue for many, many years to come.

The Brethen of Alexandra Lodge were also supported by Burns Lodge No. 153 when they established their Lodge in Oil Springs. Alexandra Lodge has since amalgamated with Inwood Lodge and the relationship established so many years ago remain strong today at Alexandra-Inwood Lodge No. 158.

Burns’ Lodge 153 was originally a “moon lodge” and met on the Thursday on or before the full moon. In 1939 - 1940, Burns’ Lodge changed its meeting night and now meets on the second Thursday from September to June in Wyoming.

The Lodge initially rented space located above the bank on Wyoming’s main street and in 1894 decided to build a new Lodge which was located on Broadway, between Thames and Niagara Streets, where it continued to serve Masonry for over 100 years, while continuing to grow its membership at a steady pace.

It was decided in 1986 that with the deterioration of the building, a new location was required, and the Lodge purchased a lot at 550 Niagara Street. The current Lodge building was dedicated in 1994 according to Masonic traditions. The cornerstone of the old Burns’ Lodge building was installed at the entrance of the new Temple.

As with the support provided to Camlachie and Forest Lodges, the brethren of Burns’ Lodge No. 153 have demonstrated excellence in leadership at all levels within Freemasonry by providing many outstanding District and Grand Lodge officers throughout its existence, culminating with a member of Burns’ Lodge No. 153 being elected as Grand Master.

M.W. Bro. Gary L. Atkinson knelt at the altar of our gentle Craft in Burns’ Lodge and served as an officer progressing to Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1979. He was elected DDGM of Sarnia District in 1986, and then accepted several Grand Lodge Officer roles. He was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario for the term 2005 through 2007.

Another member of Burn’s Lodge No. 153 has demonstrated similar excellence in leadership. M. Ill. Companion James Howard Coleman served as the Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Ontario for 1951 – 1952.

R.W. Bro. Keith Hart has set standards for longevity, as well as commitment to Freemasonry. With the support of his mother lodge, Burns’ Lodge No. 153, he was elected to the office of DDGM of Sarnia District for 1968 - 1969. Since then, Keith has been a constant source of knowledge and wisdom and has provided counsel and encouragement to his successors and all Masons. At 92 years old, the Dean of D.D.G.M.’s - R.W. Bro. Keith Hart continues to this day as an active member of the current D.D.G.M.’s team and supports Burns’ Lodge No. 153 in all that we do.

Today, Burns’ Lodge 153 continues to be one of the stronger and more vibrant Lodges in Sarnia District, thriving on a such rich history and excellence of leadership of the past, we are committed to maintaining that same high standard in all that we do today and will continue doing so for many years to come.