Moore Lodge No. 294 - Sarnia, Ontario - Established 1873
- Meeting Info
- Second Monday at 7:30pm
- Closed July and August
- Location
- Sarnia Lodge Hall, 245 Essex Street, Sarnia, Ontario
- Contact
- Moore Secretary
A Brief History
On the 23rd of October 1872, eight Masons met in Mooretown to consider the formation of a new lodge. A petition was signed by all present and forwarded to the Grand Master requesting a Warrant of Constitution be granted for a lodge to be held at Mooretown. At the 18th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Canada, held July 9-10, 1873, at Hamilton, Grand Master M. W. Bro. William Mercer Wilson, reported that he had issued dispensations for the formation of fifteen new Lodges, including one issued on February 27, 1873, for Moore Lodge.
The District Deputy Grand Master, R. W. Bro. James Gowans, reported that he had “no hesitation in recommending that charters be granted, having full confidence in their officers.” The Board of General Purposes reported they had examined the books and records of the Lodge while under dispensation and recommended Warrants be issued. Warrant No. 294 was subsequently issued on July 10, 1873, to Moore Lodge.
Over the years Moore Lodge No. 294 has moved from Mooretown, to Courtright, to Corunna, and since 1995 has met at Sarnia.
There have been special visitors to Moore Lodge No. 294. On the 17th of November 1890, Moore Lodge was honoured by a visitation of M.W. Bro. John Ross Robertson, Grand Master. He delivered a lecture on Masonic history. On June 2nd, 1910, the redecorated lodge room was rededicated by M.W. Bro. Daniel Fraser MacWatt, Grand Master.
During its existence, four members of the Lodge have served as District Deputy Grand Master, including: R. W. Bros. Roy P. Kent 1925 - 1926), Erwald Frank Gustav Kremer (1937 - 1938), Jackson H. Clysdale (1973 - 1974), Gordon T. Grieve (1997 - 1998) and Christie W. Johnston (2014 - 2015).
Other members have served Grand Lodge in a variety of offices including: Grand Chaplain R. W. Bro. Rev. David Armstrong, DD (1889 - 1890), Assistant Grand Chaplain V. W. Bro. John Hannington Whealen (1945 - 1946) and V. W. Bro. Gary R. Parker (1995 - 1996).
Many members of Moore Lodge No. 294 have given distinguished service to Grand Lodge, and to Sarnia District in particular, as Grand Steward. These members include V. W. Bros. William Abernethy (1890 - 1891), James McDonald (1924 - 1925), Harry L. Preter (1926 - 1927), F. J. Tully (1938 - 1939), Bryan L. Cathcart (1956 - 1957), Guy S. Hayes (1963 - 1964), Arthur S. McClemens (1974 - 1975), Earl J. Clysdale (1985 - 1986), Keas C. Boone (1998 - 1999), Robert Chambers (2005 - 2006), William J. Richardson (2011 – 2012), and Edwin W. Nicol (2015 – 2016).
At the meeting on June 14th, 1945, W. Bro. B.L. Cathcart was congratulated on being elected as a Member of Provincial Parliament. In 1957, he was appointed a Grand Steward and received his regalia at the June 13, 1957, meeting of the lodge.
The records of Moore Lodge No. 294 show that Freemasonry runs deeply in some families. A man might be inclined to become a Mason because his brother, his father, his grandfather, and his uncles, were Masons. Further, there are some families in Moore Lodge No. 294 that have repeatedly contributed leadership to the Lodge and to Freemasonry in Ontario.
Moore Lodge was originally a moon lodge and met on the Thursday or before the full moon. In 1931 - 1932 it changed its meeting night to the third Thursday. In 1934 - 1935 it again changed its meeting night and now meets on the fourth Thursday of each month from September to May inclusive, at the Masonic Hall, Sarnia.